- Who We Are
What We Do
- Helping Children
- Strengthening Families
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Read Lindsay and Bryan’s Story to see how it all began!
Read Lindsay and Bryan's Story: Foster Care to learn about their care for kids in foster care, and support for the children's birth family.
Read Lindsay and Bryan’s Story: Adoption to find out how their family grew through adoption, unexpectedly.
We asked Bryan and Lindsay to share their advice for families considering adopting or fostering. Here is what they had to say:
Bryan and Lindsay’s story is remarkable. Adoption was not even their first goal, yet they cannot imagine their life without adoption now. They can’t imagine their life without foster care, either. Seeing what God can do in and through families who make themselves available and step forward in faith to ensure kids are safe and loved is incredible.
If you have ever thought about adopting or fostering, PCHAS offers weekly Online Info Sessions. They are a great way to learn how it all works. As Bryan and Lindsay said, “You’re not risking anything by going to an informational meeting!” CLICK HERE to sign up for an Online Info Session, or contact a Foster Care & Adoption Guide to learn more.
If you or someone you know is experiencing an unintended pregnancy, we offer free, non-judgmental counseling to explore the complexities of parenting and making an adoption plan. Call (713) 522-2800 for info.
*Information about children in foster care and their families is confidential. We celebrate Kristi’s success and are grateful for her permission to share her story to help PCHAS find more safe, loving families who will partner with birth families with compassion and respect.