
Do Foster and Adoptive Families Have to Say "Yes" to Every Kid?

Apr 19, 2023 - Foster Care and Adoption


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Foster and adoptive parents make themselves available for children needing a family, but it doesn’t mean they have to say “yes” to every kid.  

PCHAS staff work with each family to develop a Child Profile throughout the verification process. We use the child profile to clarify which children (number, ages, races, genders and a host of other characteristics and behaviors) will fit best. Then, as we receive placement referrals, we contact appropriate families and share as much information as possible.  

Ultimately, the family gets to say “yes” or “no” to each referral. The child’s worker reviews all the willing families and makes the best match based on many factors.   

We only contact families about children we believe are a good match for their skills, abilities and interests. And we want to ensure our team has the resources to help the children and families thrive. PCHAS staff are beside our families every step of the way. 

If you’re thinking about fostering or adopting, you probably have questions. Join an Online Info Session or connect with a Foster Care & Adoption Guide to get honest answers to all your questions. 

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