
Every Child Deserves a Family This Year

Dec 28, 2020 - In the News, Foster Care and Adoption


Every Child Deserves A Family This Year Header Image

The New Year means new goals, endeavors and opportunities. As you think about 2021, please take time to consider the role you will play in ensuring that every child in foster care has the loving, nurturing family they deserve.

That’s right; we all have a role! Whether you’re interested in fostering or adopting, you’re supporting families that do, or advocating in your community, it will take all of us to make sure that there is a great family for every child. The biggest needs in 2021 will be foster and adoptive families for:

“Older” Children

Because there aren’t enough families that want to foster school-age children, even 6-year-olds end up labeled as “older” and “harder to place.” As a child’s age increases, so does their risk of sleeping in an office or shelter. Teens experience this crisis at an alarming rate. Kids never outgrow the need for family. Could that be you?

Sibling Groups

Daily, we see requests for foster families to take groups of 2, 3, 4 or more children in a range of ages. Sadly, for each additional sibling, the chances of brothers and sisters being separated increases. Siblings offer a vital connection to a child’s family story and are some of the most important relationships in a child’s life. Are you able to become a foster family for siblings?

Minority Children

Twelve percent of children in Texas are Black, so we’d expect to see roughly the same percentage when we look at the foster care system. The reality is that 23% of children in foster care in Texas are Black. A child’s opportunity for a safe and loving family shouldn’t have anything to do with the color of their skin. We’re eager to connect with families of all races who are willing to help children remain connected to their story and grow in their cultural understanding and exploration. Does that sound like you?

Children with Special Needs

Children usually enter foster care after they’ve experienced trauma in the form of abuse or neglect. When they also have physical, mental or cognitive special needs from birth or due to their trauma, foster families can be in extremely short supply. Could your family be a safe place for children with special needs?

Every Child Deserves A Family This Year Horizontal

This year, you can play a vital role in the lives of some of the most vulnerable children in our state.

You can become the foster or adoptive family that these children need.

You can join the support team for foster and adoptive families you know.

You can be a strong voice for children and families in your community.

What’s the first step? Join us for a Foster Care & Adoption Online Info Session. In just one hour, you’ll learn how it all works in Texas and hear about resources and support that help foster and adoptive families thrive.

Visit to register or connect with a Foster Care & Adoption Guide to get honest answers to all of your questions.

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