
What You Need to Know about Foster Care in Texas

Mar 22, 2023 - Foster Care and Adoption


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When most people think about foster care, they picture infants and toddlers. What we imagine, though, doesn’t always match reality. Little ones aren’t the only children needing foster and adoptive families. The kids most in need of great families are school-aged, sibling groups and African American and Hispanic children.

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In Texas, more than 11,300 kids are in foster care with a non-relative.

60% of these children are age 6 and older.

70% are children of color.

44% of the sibling groups aren’t living together.

When families aren’t available, we see children separated from their siblings, older children sleeping in hotels, and young adults aging out without strong family connections. The Texas foster care system continues to struggle because of a shortage of committed, trained, well-supported foster families.

At PCHAS, we focus on meeting the community’s needs. That means we’re seeking families to foster sibling groups, kids age six and older, and children of color. Kids in our state need families like you to take the first step. A Foster Care & Adoption Guide will gladly answer all your questions and walk you through the process. Sign up for an Online Info Session or contact us at 281-324-0544 or to learn more. 

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