
The Counseling Center at PCHAS - Farmington, Missouri

Jan 01, 2023 - Mental Health & Wellness


Farmington 1200 X 630

The Counseling Center at PCHAS is located at 1020 PCHAS Way (off Pine Street), Farmington, MO 63640. You may reach us by phone at (573) 756-6744.

The office is located in the Farmington Enrichment Center across from the Dayse Baker Learning Center. Enter through the main (glass) door and the receptionist will be happy to help you.

Farmington 3 Round 1 New Farmington 3 Round 2

Farmington Counselors:

Caroline Mc Clanahan 154 X103
Katie Hoefer 154 X 103
Susan Metzger 154 X 103

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